A'nhabi Ohwe
"It's a pleasure to meet you, and your name was...?"
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WU/T Friendly, RP Tag = ICAo3: OhGoshOhwe
Twitter: OhGoshOhweLast Updated: 4/22/2024
Given Name : A'nhabi Ohwe
Birth Name : Enrei SuiRace : Au Ra - Raen
Gender : Female (She/Her)
Sexuality : Bisexual
Age : 26
DOB : 12/23 (Sixth Umbral Moon)Height : 4'11"
Eye Color : Cornflower blue, ice blue limbal rings
Hair Color : White, short but well keptProfession : Conjurer for the Guild in Gridania
Residence : Black Shroud - Gridania
Deity : Nophica, the Matron (weak belief)
Appearance : A'nhabi stands a full head below most of her peers, most often clad in full white from horn to heel. If one were to look close enough, they might spot the white freckles that are dotted across her cheeks, at least when she isn't blushing for one reason or another. She's almost never seen without her mother's opal ring adorning her right hand, repaired by a dear friend. Almost every aspect of her can be described of as soft - from her gaze to the very clothes she wears.Distinguishing Features : A multitude of scars which she hides beneath several layers of clothing. The most notable includes a long mark near the base of her sternum, which extends to her back. Another small scar runs the length of her left wrist. She does her best to hide with a pair of gloves.Personality : A'nhabi is soft spoken to those she does not know well, but is always one to be polite. She will go out of her way for a stranger even if it means spending the last gil in her pocket. To those who know her well, truly and honestly, she is a spark of constant joy and curiosity. A'nhabi loves to discuss the things she has learned and is greatly invested in the lives of her friends. Compassionate and well-meaning.
Non-alcoholic : Typically she doesn't drink, as she cannot hold her liquor well. Although, she'll occasionally treat herself to a glass of wine in good company.Bibliophile : She loves to read and has a vast collection of tomes on various subjects. Whether or not she understands them is another matter entirely. While she is well read, there are few topics she is particularly knowledgeable about in any great amount of detail.Sun Seeker : A'nhabi was raised by a Miqo'te woman, thus the unusual name. She knows her given name but prefers not to go by it, favoring the one her adoptive mother gave to her.Open Water : Scared of the ocean. Doesn't know how to swim. It will take a lot to convince her to go near a large body of water. Travelling long distances by ship is a last resort.Lilies : Her favorite flowers are white lilies. She grows many different colors in her garden.Hard of Hearing : You may need to speak up in large crowds, the Raen has a bit of a hard time hearing anyone too soft-spoken. Best to stay on her left side, else she might miss something you're trying to tell her.
A'nhabi was born in Othard during a time of great strife . The Garlean Empire, empowered by their technological advances in magitek, had resumed its invasion of the once great nation. As a child she was smuggled from the Ruby Sea in order to escape the annexation of Othard. While attempting to board the final ship that might have ferried her to safety, Garlean troops attacked and left it to rest at the bottom of the dark oceans outside of Nagxia. By some miracle, A'nhabi's parents were able to bribe a passing trading vessel that had the same thoughts of escape. Unfortunately, they were separated.She spent several years of her childhood traveling between the major city states of Eorzea after a long voyage across the sea. Most of her memories from the time are a blur, too young and out of place to remember anything significant, and the rest simply nothing worthy of note. The Raen was one of many refugees seeking protection from the Garlean Empire and had grown accustomed to her roving childhood alongside her constant companion, a Viera she had come to know as Grayson. While he seemed to be indifferent, if not burdened, by her company he never once complained of her presence.At least, this is the story she was told. She has never questioned the authenticity of the tale, told to her by the woman who would eventually take her in.--When she finally settled in Gridania, the Raen was nearing six or seven summers, she wasn’t entirely sure. A’taldhi Ohwe and Oswyn Thorne were the pair that adopted A’nhabi into their lives; a seemingly adoring couple to their neighbors, the energetic Sun Seeker and reserved Highlander were more than happy to raise the girl. There, she was given a new name, shelter, and some semblance of purpose. A’taldhi was a Conjurer who worked for the Guild in Gridania, Oswyn a lance instructor who often worked with Wailers and the stray adventurer from time to time.A’nhabi spent most of her adolescent years training under the watchful eye of her adoptive father. They spent two years in Ishgard before Oswyn made the decision to return to Gridania. When pressed, she is reluctant to discuss the unpleasant period in her life, even to those closest to her. A great deal of secrecy remains around what they did in the Holy See and her relationship with Oswyn only became more distant as a result.A’nhabi decided to abandon the lance and take up conjuration, much to her adoptive father’s fervent disapproval. She had some small affinity for it and was encouraged heavily by both her mother and a current novice. From then on, most of her days were spent deep inside the echoing chamber known as Stillglade Fane with a Midlander named Einar Cotter. They became quick friends, closer still as the years passed, until they were nigh inseparable. Her skills grew, and though she was no master of the art, the Raen certainly had a meaningful grasp on the magicks she had been taught.--Tragedy befell the woman before she saw eighteen suns. A’taldhi became sick with a mysterious illness, and just as swiftly as it had come, it took her life. A’nhabi was beside herself with grief having lost the only woman she called family. The following months were something of a haze, to A’nhabi and those who knew her. Try as he might, Einar could do little to restore the Raen’s spirits, but he continued to visit her as often as he was allowed. To friends and family, something was amiss. A cold aura loomed over the household, Oswyn became more distant and the Raen girl was something of a specter herself. Rumors started that perhaps A’taldhi’s illness was more than happenstance. Perhaps there was more to it.After another quiet few months, Oswyn disappeared, and A’nhabi had been confined to the Conjurer’s Guild with a mortal wound. Their home had been burned to the ground, and more rumors put A’nhabi at the heart of the matter. Most residents heard about the incident thanks to the gossip that escaped the confines of the Conjurer’s Guild. Loose lips painted a sinister tale about how Oswyn had attacked the Raen in a fit of rage outside of Mih Khetto's Amphitheatre and left her for dead, setting fire to his own humble home in one last act of his furor. After a few months A’nhabi returned to the public eye, without as much as a whisper of the truth. From then on there was a noticeable distance between the residents of Gridania and the stranger they had taken in all those years ago.--As one last affront on the tragic tale of the Raen, the Battle of Carteneau took many of those she called friends and family. Einar was lost, a casualty to the events, and A'nhabi finally resigned herself to living a quiet life in the house she grew up in.
Where is she now?
She still spends most of her time at the Guild, that much hasn't changed. A'nhabi finds a great deal of pride in her work and is happy to remain settled in Gridania to continue to care for the residents of the city and the Twelveswood beyond. On any given day she can be found tending to wood wailers and a stray adventurer or two, much preferring the company of the latter for their extravagant tales of heroism. Fabricated or not.Without the constant work, A’nhabi fears she would have no reason to stay. Travel has become a bit more available to her with the small salary she makes, though she is unlikely to discuss any of her plans just yet.Grayson, the Rava who saved her life as a child, has become a more frequent visitor to the Twelveswood. Many of the residents are still surprised to see a Viera so far West, but his presence doesn't seem to come as a shock to Raen. In fact, wherever Grayson can be seen, so too can the Raen.
❧ Bread : Every day, A’nhabi takes the same route to work and buys the same loaf of bread from the same baker. It used to be out of necessity thanks to her meager coin purse that she continued the routine, however the happy little habit continued even after she was able to afford proper groceries.❧ Healer for Hire : Do you need a healer for a dungeon? A'nhabi is more than eager to make sure you come back in one piece. While she may be more comfortable mending from the confines of the Conjurer's Guild, she's still willing to take a step outside of Gridania for a good cause. She doesn't want to see anyone get hurt.❧ Tell me your tale : The Raen enjoys hearing stories from others, finding they often have more interesting things to say than she herself does. A’nhabi has a difficult time opening up to unfamiliar faces, but relishes in the company of strangers and their tales of adventure. So if you've ever wanted to flaunt a heroic tale, take a seat, and tell the woman every detail - embellished or not!❧ Hopeless Chef : Perhaps you made the mistake of inviting this Raen to dinner. Don't expect her to provide any assistance. She has no affinity when it comes to the stovetop and will probably burn your humble home down. Rumor has it, she can't even boil an egg.❧ Can I borrow that book? : Ever the avid reader, A'nhabi is eager to get her hands on new material. Should you be willing to part with a tome or two, the Raen would be more than happy to find a way to make it up to you. She has her own collection so should you like to borrow something as well, all you have to do is ask.❧ Study of Aether : A'nhabi doesn't consider herself well versed in many subjects, but when it comes to aether she can admit she is more knowledgeable than most. She finds the subject fascinating and will likely talk your ear, or horn, off for hours on end if you don't stop her.❧ I don't know! Don't know what to say, that's fine! Send me a /tell the next time you see me. I'm always happy to discuss ideas.
| OOC |
Hello, and thank you for taking the time to read A'nhabi's Carrd!Timezone: CST
Server: [Crystal] GoblinI am open to all RP with A'nhabi, in game or on discord. Typically I am a multi-para writer but am flexible with shorter replies, especially in game. Both short term and long term RP are things I am interested in, but for anything long term Discord is preferred. Please message me first if there is something you would like to pursue long term - communication is a must. I enjoy a mix of all types of adventure, canonical to the game or not. Don't be shy -- I appreciate /tells in game even if it's not IC.Do I ship A'nhabi? Sure! I am open to AU's for the time being. She takes some time to open up so please bear with her if that is something you decide you want to pursue.When combat is involved I have a strong preference to use a roll system. If your preference is otherwise, I am happy to find some sort of accommodation, but I find that using a roll system works best. Your character may get hurt - and that's okay! I use this system to avoid all-powerful character interactions which make combat less interesting. I try to follow the Grindstone rules whenever possible.Please understand that while my character may not like you at a first glance, that is not necessarily how I feel about the writer behind the screen. The separation between character and muse is an important distinction with the people I write with. I am not my character, so please understand that just because they behave a certain way that it does not reflect my feelings about you.Please don't hesitate to send me a message and I will do my best to respond in a timely manner. Nhabi#4173
| AUs and Other Ramblings |
Don't know why you're here. No matter.A work in progress.